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Connection sequence
General commands(concise version)
A typical IRC session log
A typical IRC session log (explaining each line)
Original Text File

All the commands can be tested using telnet
(available on most major operating systems)


General Commands:


Here is a concise list of the main IRC RFC commands.
All "" characters below are ctrl-a.
In many of the following you can substitute #channel with a user nickname instead.
In many cases you can send to multiple destinations by seperating with a ","
eg. PRIVMSG #channel1,user1,#channel2 :BLAH!
Description (chat command) Raw Command
Change/Set nickname (/NICK Nickname) NICK Nickname
Server sends PING :356783- reply with: PONG :356783
Register User Settings USER identHere "" "" :About me/realname
join a channel (/join #channel key) JOIN #channel :key
leave a channel (/part #channel reason) PART #channel :reason
send a message (/msg #channel Message) PRIVMSG #channel :Message
an action
(/me action here, or /describe #channel action here)
PRIVMSG #channel :ACTION action here
a notice (/notice #channel your notice here) NOTICE #channel :your notice here
who a user is (/whois Username) WHOIS :Username
display all users matching a particular criteria
(/who Nick_*hostmast_or_#channel)
WHO :Nick_*hostmask_or_#channel
list the users in a channel, or all users in IRC
(/names #channel)
NAMES :#channel
list channels (/list) LIST
change nickname (/nick newnick_here) NICK :newnick_here
quit IRC (/quit reason) QUIT :Reason
send a play sound request
(/sound sound.wav description)
PRIVMSG #channel :SOUND sound.wav [description]
send some form of ctcp (/ctcp somectcp boo) PRIVMSG #channel :somectcp boo
send some form of ctcp reply NOTICE #channel :somectcp boo
To send a ping request (using ctcp) PRIVMSG user :PING 12345
To reply to a ping request
(using ctcp, and letting the sender do the calculation)
NOTICE user :PING 12345
change a channel mode (/mode #channel +o user) mode #channel :+o user
kick a user out of a channel
(/kick #channel user reason)
KICK #channel user :reason
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